Singing Without A Mic?

9/18, 13:00-14:00
Free Entry
Osaka Museum of History Conference Room 1 (4th fl.)

Bio: Nanami Komatsu
A graduate of Osaka College of Music's vocal department, she performs pieces from "The Marriage of Figaro" and "La Boheme" among many others. As a member of various opera groups (Hyogo Opera Production, The College Opera House, etc.) she regularly performs in the Kansai area in concert halls and other musical events, singing a wide range of songs from contemporary to classical.

プロフィル: 小松ななみ
大阪音楽大学声楽学科卒業。これまでにオペラでは「ラ・ボエーム」、「フィガロの結婚」、「コジ・ファン・トゥッテ」(演奏会形式)等に出演。またザ・カレッジ・オペラハウス、ひょうごプロデュースオペラ等のプロの合唱団員としても様々な公演に出演する。ポピュラーからクラッシクまで幅広いレパートリーで様々なシーンで演奏活動を行っている。本年(2012年)11/3(土)京都アルティホールにて「リサイタル Recital」に出演予定。2011年京都芸術祭毎日新聞社賞受賞。

After graduation, can you actually sing? Will you spend the next few years going in circles? Do you even know what to do next?
Get some advice from a regularly working classically trained soprano on how to get your voice prepared for a career in opera and classical music.
Also open to singers from other genres who are interested in exploring various techniques when singing without a microphone. All are welcome!

Note: Times and content are subject to change without notice.




Osaka Museum of History
1-32 Otemae 4-Chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka City TEL:06-6946-5728

大阪市中央区大手前 4-1-32 TEL:06-6946-5728