How To Succeed as an Indie Musician in Japan
2010/9/20, 14:45-16:00
Osaka Museum of History
Conference Room #1 (4th fl.)
Prominent and regularly performing artists talk about how they got to where they are now.
Note: Presentation times are subject to change without notice.


Jett Edwards

The Watanabes

Larry Marshall
Jett Edwards - bio

Born in North Carolina, and raised by parents well known as top gospel singers. He recorded his first record as a bassist with his father and wrote his first recording at the age of 14, later becoming one of the first Black Americans to perform at the Grand O Opera in Tennessee with (The Five Blind Boys Of Mississippi), winning a Grammy Award the following year
As a bassist, Jett has shared the stage with artists such as: Elton John, Rick James, Shalamar, Temptations, Edgar Winter, Wayne Henderson Of Jazz Crusaders, Tuck & Patti, Glenn Cambell’s Band, Dionne Warwrick, Ernie Isley, Latoya Jackson, James Brown’s JB’s, Bobby Womack, Prince, General Public, Dave Wakley, Sly & The Family Stone, Paul Mc Cartney, Steve Miller Band & many, many, others.
Sonic Jett Production Inc./ Wisdom Entertainment Network, Inc., has built a long-overdue international bridge to Japan and Asia. Jett’s persistence has opened doors for artists, songwriters, producers, independent record labels, distributors and investment companies worldwide to gain deep access into Japan and Asia. His artistic expertise is matched by his business acumen and keen sense of timing. Wisdom Entertainment Network Inc., / Sonic Jett Production Inc.’s business has included arranging concerts, artist management, and sponsorship and promotion of artists such as James Brown, The Isley Brothers, Stevie Wonder, Edgar Winter, Earth Wind & Fire Prince, Jodey Whatley, The Crusaders, Coolio, DMX, Dionne Warwick, Snoop Dogg, Whitney Houston, Bobby Brown, KC and The Sunshine Band, John Sipes, Gap Band & many others.

1959年、アメリカ合衆国ノースカロライナ州生まれ。父のHiawatha Edwardsは有名なゴスペル歌手、母はオペラ歌手という音楽一家に育った。彼はゴスペルアーティストとして、Southern Crusaders、Swan Silverstones、Soul Staires、Five Blind Boys of Mississippi and Alabama、Aundrea Crouch、Shirley Ceasar、Brooklyn Allstars等と共演。
そして、エドワーズはSonic Jett ProductionとWisdom Entertainment NetworkのCEOとして、アメリカとアジアの架け橋となって世界中を飛び回ってきた。様々なアーティストのプロデュースやプロモーション、国内外でのコンサート制作に携わっている。
近年ではアメリカのエンターテイナー達の着信音等の携帯コンテンツを日本にライセンスしMighty Mobile Incとしてサイト運営をしている。その英語着メロサイトは現在Soft Bankでは人気No1にまで達した。
2008年にはアメリカ大統領候補のオバマ氏を応援するための新曲「MADE N AMERICA」と「BLOOD OIL」を作曲して、ノースカロライナのオバマ氏の応援アーティストとして招待され、この曲を披露した。また、2008年5月30日には日本政府が主催する「第4回アフリカ開発会議」の最終日にパシフィコ横浜の国立大ホールで開催された「Africa Mission 2008」のコンサートに、"アフリカンバンド Lokito"を率いてメインアーティストとして出演。自作品をX JapanのToshi、オカリナ奏者の宗次郎などとのコラボレーションで披露して、来場者のみならず共演アーティストからも、エドワーズの音楽的才能と、類い稀なプロデュース能力に賛辞が寄せられた。
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The Watanabes - bio

The Watanabes are a Tokyo based indie rock band with members from the UK, New Zealand, Sweden and Japan. In August 2009 they released their debut album nationwide in major record stores across Japan. Their sound drew comparisons to bands such as Belle and Sebastian and Teenage Fan Club, and for this reason perhaps it comes as no surprise to hear that shortly afterwards they began working with Glaswegian music producer David Naughton: David played a significant role in the rise of those two very same bands, as well as working with even bigger acts as big as Robbie Williams, Suede and Kyle Minogue.
The new album should be released within the next few months. Other notable achievements include an appearance on Japanese national TV, countless magazine articles, as well as significant recognition in the UK, where they have caught the attention of the BBC. Only recently, their acoustic green lullaby “Whales Can Sing” was discovered by Rick O Barry, the star of the Oscar winning documentary; The Cove. Rick asked for a live performance of the song during his trip to Tokyo. Perhaps, the most notable achievement of all though, is the fact that they have accomplished all of this as a completely independent band, without a record label, or any management to speak of. In the words of Japanzine magazine, "The Watanabes really are indie in the truest sense."

The Watanabes の音楽は純粋なインディロックで、漂うようなヴァースと耳に残るコラースなんだ。
Larry Marshall - bio

Originally from Philadelphia, Pa. Larry moved to Osaka after spending several years in South Florida making a name for himself both as a jazz drum teacher and the performer. Larry was frequently asked to conduct clinics and master classes at well known music schools including University of Miami and Florida International University. While in South Florida, Larry was introduced to and asked to tour with the likes of Kevin Mahogany,Othello Molineaux, Randy Brecker, and Grammy award winning R&B artists Lauryn Hill, among others. He has also recently performed with Freddie Hubbard, Ritchie Cole,Randy Brecker, Dr. Donald Byrd, and Wyclif Gordon.
Larry has two trio CD’s that have won “Best Jazz” recording honors and now is enjoying the success of his collaboration with pianist Dr. Phillip Strange on a duo recording entitled "In The Moment" (Summit Records).
Larry continues to tour all over the world with top name jazz musicians, record for Japanese television shows and perform in Jazz clubs throughout Japan!

1965年ペンシルベニア フィラデルフィアで生まれ育つ。ジャズの歴史で大変重要な場所フィラデルフィアは 若いミュージシャンにとり素晴しい音楽に触れ成長する機会の多くある所で、ラリーも同様、特に好きなドラマーフィリー・ジョー・ジョーンズ, ジョー モレロ,マックス・ローチ,ロイ ・ヘインズ等の演奏を聴く機会に恵まれた。ウエストチェスター大学(フィラデルフィア近郊)在籍中、多くのジャズの偉人を生み出したフィラデルフィアのジャズシーンでプロとして活動開始。
プロとして競争の激しいエリアでラリーはケヴィン マホガニー, オテロ・モリノー,ランディ ブレッカーらと演奏を重ねる。他にもエディ ヒギンズ,パットマルティーノ, リッチー コール, フレディ ハバード, ワイクリッフ ゴードン, ジョン・ファディス, アイラ サリバン, ドナルド バード, ビッグバンド(指揮者 クリス リドル)と共演。1995年、南フロリダへ移り更なるキャリアを積む。彼のスキルと経験を買われ演奏だけでなく、教育にも携わる。マイアミ大学とフロリダ国際大学の音楽学生が指導を受ける。
近年日本に移り、最近はピアニスト プィリップ・ストレンジと活動中、デュオレコーディング In The Moment (Summit Records) をリリース。そのCDについては Jazz Times Magazine (2006年4月発行)やオンラインマガジン All About Jazz にて評価されている。それに加え、リーダーとしてトリオレコーディング All About That と Perserverance をリリース。ラリーは日本のジャズシーンにおいて確かな存在を見せている。


Osaka Museum of History
1-32 Otemae 4-Chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka City TEL:06-6946-5728

大阪市中央区大手前 4-1-32 TEL:06-6946-5728